Sunday 1 December 2013

Film Poster Idea [Keelan]

My first poster design for the short film follows general conventions of the industry. For this one I decided to create a portrait poster. Even though both in class and during my own research I have found that it is harder to do so due to the fact there is less dead space to play with, I thought I'd still give it a go.

(The Bourne Legacy Movie Poster)
The idea, I got from another film poster I had previously seen, this being The Bourne Legacy. As you can see I have closely followed the way that the blank space has been used. However, The Bourne poster that I was using to get my idea from was not an the main advertisement for the movie, which we know as it contains no billing block.

The male character is an image from a royalty free stock image website, I have used this as we have not yet photographed the cast from out short film. When we do so, I intend to replace the image with the main character of our film (Ziaul Islam).

The font I decided on using was Nikodecs, which I gained access to via Dafont. I set the tracking on all of the text I created to -25, this allows all of the individual characters to be closer together, making it look even more like a real movie poster.
For the text containing the main cast member names I set the leading to 22.42pt. This brought the upper and lower lines of text closer together, showing that they were grouped together.

The billing block was a template produced by Andrew Kramer from Video Copilot. When it comes to creating our official poster I will create a specific one for it. I did not do this for the design idea as I do not currently have all the relevant information.

When actually creating the poster, I did not use a template or guide, which is probably noticeable from some shapes and pieces of text that may not be perfectly in place. When creating the official poster I will take extra time and attention to making sure everything is perfect.

1 comment:

  1. The writing on SHADES is too big.
    You could use that for the reviews insread
    Make title bigger - the title must be absolutely clear to the audience
