Saturday 14 December 2013

Filming Diary #4 - Elliott

Sunday 3rd

(post delayed as I was working on getting the film finished before doing BTS videos)

November problems: these shots were 10 minutes apart
Today we aimed to film the beginning (and therefore end) of our cyclic narrative, but unfortunately Keelan was otherwise 'occupied' and this meant that me and Ziaul had to film without a proper camera. Luckily I have a very good camera on my phone and we were able to film on that (I had brought a tripod adapter for this exact situation).

Although we only had a few shots planned for today the short winter nights left us with only a couple of hours to shoot (after someone arriving an hour late, of course) and unfortunately the light dropped with two shots left to take. This leaves me with more annoying work to fix in post-production or having to re-film another day.

Showing yet more 'dangers' that can befall any unsuspecting media student

This video shows the set-up used for the setpiece shot involving Ziaul getting blown back by a shockwave. I have researched the effect of explosions in real life in the hopes of making a more realistic scene and to show that the 'shockwave' is scientifically proven, not just a Hollywood trope, so that just left the filming.

Sneak preview of the (super complicated) fire effect
These last few shots are the most VFX laden of the whole project which gives me both: ample room to show what I can do, and, hours of tedious mind-numbing hard work while the rest of the group gets to relax. YAY!

Here we have the exploding house effect, which I will show in more detail in a VFX breakdown post.

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