Tuesday 1 October 2013

Pre-production planning and intro ideas - Elliott

Starts with the dead guy walking out from behind a building and staring up at it from the street. Small explosion from the windows (filmriot styl-e) and cut to shot of dead guy putting on reflective sunglasses that show flames in lenses. Cut back to the OTS shot (dead guy centred, low angle) as a much bigger explosion knocks him backwards out of frame. Fast paced shots of him falling back and cracking head on road, birds eye shot centered on his face as he struggles to hold consciousness (eyes flickering etc) with maybe a drop of blood coming out to the right of his head to show that it is probably a fatal injury. Camera tracks into his face and a fade to black synchs with him losing consciousness.



Straight cut to dead guy waking up in bed very suddenly sitting up, drenched in sweat. Camera starts with birds eye (to graphically match with losing consciousness shot) and then tracks angles with the dead guy sitting up to end at a straight angle. Dead guy holds the sitting pose breathing heavily then sinks back down while groaning to reveal calendar on wall behind him (possibly sexy nuns or something) with day circled and text added to bottom saying 2 Days Earlier etc. freeze frame (music fades in [18 with a bullet?]) and then cut to moving camera shot of littered junk on bedroom floor, womens underwear etc and angles up to show dead guy putting both feet down onto the floor off edge of the bed.

            -possible- montage of dead guy putting on suit etc ends with a shot like Sanji thing in mirror (cigar + hat) sometime in the camera shows a newspaper clipping on the wall (can be made by gluing stuff on a normal sun newspaper) saying something like ‘Teenage Hotshot’s Poker Millions’ explaining the use of teenagers in a ‘serious’ piece about gambling.


Random ideas


·         Man in the background of a shot reading newspaper: front spread says ‘Teenage lads make pimp short film’ and a sub heading about breaking the fourth wall ‘fourth wall broken: police mystified by vandalism spree’

·         Grim reaper shown going about random junk in background: riding by on a bike, in the background in a tescos checking if a watermelon is ripe while 2 talking characters walk by in front, peeking round a corner.

·         in credits Death takes his hood off to show another hood underneath

·         Death’s hood can be made better by using a feathered mask to black out any face still showing underneath.

·         As many cool graphic match shots as possible to show changing location (think ‘sherlock’)

·         When we reach retelling the first shots from a different angle to show hidden details could end on a POV shot from the dead guy seeing death walking up to him. A zoom into Death’s face could serve as a fade to black into the credits.

·         Would be really cool if I could do literal ‘foreshadowing’ by giving the dead guy ‘four shadows’ at one point

·         Outtakes after the credits are always good.

·         Could do credits like an 80s bond thing with the green-screen so easy to use (preferably not)

·         Check out the guys who did a film-noir gangster thing last year

·         Car-crash scene

·         Fall off bridge into river (can use Sally’s swimming pool and this http://www.amazon.co.uk/GaoHuiHong-Clear-Layer-Waterproof-Mobile/dp/B00B5T2YBI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1380103185&sr=8-1&keywords=waterproof+phone+bag phone case to film from low underwater angle the person falling in the river)

·         Get my bike in there somewhere

·         Need poker chips and case etc now we’re not with Elliott C


  1. Have a n agreed synopsis written up very soon.

  2. You are all beginning to fall behind. you have some great ideas but these dont contribute to your grade unless you start to communicate these on the blog in a meaningful way.
